Many cases that are generally heard in family courts, are complex and involve many issues. In fact, issues such as divorce, require decisions on many different matters. In fact, couples going through divorce, may find that they spend a significant amount of time in court, allowing the judge to make all determinations.
However, some couples choose to have their case handled by collaborative family law, are often required to sign a document that they will not take their case to court. The goal of family law services to handle their divorce. When couples have these agreements in place, most questions are answered within the clauses of the agreement. For example, the couple has already made determinations about distribution of property and assets.
Because of the agreements, the couple does not really require court proceedings to make final determinations, unless one individual believes that the agreement is unfair and should be overturned. However, even in that case, couples can attempt a resolution through collaborative family law services, but many states require a judges final approval on issues that relate to child support, child custody and visitation. In fact, some states will only allow a judge to make those determinations.
Divorce can be very complicated but family law services can be utilized in family law issues such as juvenile delinquency. In this case, state services will work with attorneys to work out both a punishment and rehabilitation plan for the offender and their family. In fact, every effort is made to prevent the juvenile from re-offending. In some states, the courts system makes great efforts to avoid having a juvenile go through court proceedings that relate to minor offenses.
family law services. In fact, involved parties are more likely to be accepting of any determination that they had a say in. Collaborative family law combines the efforts of all involved parties to achieve an outcome that is beneficial to all. In addition, involved parties are able to avoid lengthy and expensive court proceedings.
NEXT: Court Resources Explained